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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

October 28, 2018

Acts: The Finish, but Not the End

As we finish our study of the book of Acts, the book concludes with Paul's ministry in Rome, but the mission continues today through God's people. Paul had hoped one day to find himself in Rome as a missionary, instead he finds himself imprisoned. This did not hinder Paul from teaching and preaching. Just as Paul was used by God to proclaim the salvation message, so we, regardless of roadblocks and detours in life, can be used mightily as His ambassadors. Nothing can stop the message of salvation from going forward!

Acts 28

Jonathan Powell
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

Colossians: Circumcision of the Heart

In Colossians, Paul takes up the Old Testament call for Heart Circumcision and shows it's New Covenant fulfillment; encouraging us all in our battle against remaining sin.

2 Corinthians 3
Colossians 2:16-17,2:9-11,3:1-12
Deuteronomy 10:12-11:1,30:6
Jeremiah 4:3-4
Acts 15:1,15:24
Romans 2:25-29,6:6,6:11-12,8:13
Philippians 3:2-3
Galatians 5:24,5:6,6:15
1 Corinthians 7:19

Colossians 2:11

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • What does circumcision of the Heart mean?
  • How is this tied in with Christ as the second Adam?
  • How does this impact a person's life?
  • How does it make them different than someone who is not circumcised of the heart?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

October 21, 2018

Acts: A Dangerous Journey

It is not unusual when folks think (and reasonably so) they are doing God's will. Then when things get hard or don't go as they expected or unforeseen challenges arise, they despair and think that they have misunderstood God's will. They think God's will in their life will always go smoothly. For the Apostle Paul... nothing could seem further from the truth at times. In Acts we will witness a clear call from God to journey to Rome turn into what we would call a nightmare. With setbacks, trials, disasters... even a bite by a poisonous snake. Yet, Paul never questions whether he is in God's will. We have much to learn from such a man!!

Acts 27-28

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

Colossians: Heart Religion

As we continue with our study of Colossians, we need to lay the foundation for the next section. Christianity is Heart Religion. It involves a pervasive transformation. That begins with the salvation brought about by the Second Adam.

Romans 5:12-21
Colossians 2:6-23
2 Corinthians 5:14
1 Corinthians 15:20-22,15:44-49
Ephesians 2:3,5:22-33

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • Why should we not simplify the concept of salvation?
  • What is Heart Religion?
  • What is the alternative?
  • How did the first Adam mess everything up?
  • What does it mean that he was a Corporate Head?
  • How can his mess be fixed?
  • How did the Second/Last Adam fix it?
  • How can I benefit from this?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

October 14, 2018

While Surrounded by Meanness and Ugliness, How Not to Become Mean and Ugly

In a world of such political, personal, and many other animosities, we can be surrounded by meanness and ugliness... the Bible speaks powerfully into this so that we do not become mean and ugly ourselves. But rather we are powerful agents of change and redemption.

Titus 2:11-3:11
1 Timothy 2:2
2 Thessalonians 3:11-13
1 Thessalonians 4:10-12
Matthew 5:16,6:3
2 Corinthians 10:1
Galatians 5:23
Ephesians 4:2
1 Timothy 6:11
2 Timothy 2:25
1 Peter 3:5
Matthew 5:5,11:29,21:5

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • How are we surrounded by meanness and ugliness?
  • How do we tend to be affected by this?
  • How are we supposed to respond?
  • What are the reasons the Bible gives as to why we should respond this way?
  • This is really hard... what help and hope does God give?
  • What were the practical suggestions made in the sermon?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

October 8, 2018

Colossians: Complete in Christ

Paul states it quite plainly and powerfully in Colossians: all of the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ... so when we are in Christ we have all we ever need... ever and forever!!"

Colossians 2:1-10,1:27-28,1:19
John 3:34,20:28-29,1:1,8:58,10:30-33,14:9,1:16
Romans 9:5
Titus 2:13
Ephesians 1:22-23
1 Corinthians 1:30

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • What does it mean that the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Jesus?
  • What does it mean that we have complete fullness when we are in Him?
  • What are some of the cheap (false) substitutes offered today?
  • How does being in Christ answer these?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA



© 2005-2018, Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454