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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

July 26, 2015

Life of Daniel: A Look Behind the Curtain

When you watch or read the news, you are only getting a small part of every story. The reason for this is that there are things happening in the invisible/spiritual realm that the reporter cannot see. Daniel is given a look behind this curtain in Chapter 10... a chance to see the spiritual forces at war while the nations war and oppress on earth. It is a fascinating look which helps equip us to understand our world. These are the topics we will be looking at and then we will discuss how one is helped to survive and triumph in this battle.

Daniel 10

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

The Holiness of God: Part 4

God is Holy. Then He says... "Be holy for I am Holy". What does that mean for us? What is holiness?

1 Peter 1:13-19
Leviticus 11:44-45,19:2-3
2 Corinthians 7:1
Hebrews 12:14-17
Colossians 3:1-13
Romans 13:8
Micah 6:8
Titus 2:14

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • Why does God want us to be holy?
  • What does it mean to be holy?
  • How do we become holy?
  • Why is this NOT earning our salvation?
  • Do we find holiness desireable?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

July 19, 2015

The Holiness of God: Part 3

God is holy... separate and above us. He is to be treated as special... with deep reverence, worshipful respect, even fear. How does that work our in our lives personally and as a church? These practical applications of the holiness of God will be our focus.

Exodus 30:22-38,20:7
Romans 11:22,11:33
Leviticus 10:1-7
2 Samuel 6:1-15
1 Chronicles 15:11-15
Acts 5:1-14
1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Isaiah 57:15
Micah 6:8

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • What does the Bible mean when it refers to God as both severe and good?
  • How did God reveal to us that He should be treated as special?
  • Why is this not God being egotistical but is right and good?
  • What are ways in which people today disrespect God?
  • How do we disrespect God?
  • What is our hope of being welcomed by this God whom we have no right to approach on our own?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

July 12, 2015

Life of Daniel: Graphic Visions

Daniel has visions as God reveals to him future events. They are graphic and leave Daniel shook up. What do they refer to, and how do they speak to us today, as well? These are some of the questions we will be exploring in this Bible Study session.

Daniel 8

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

The Holiness of God: Part 2

God's holiness includes the idea of His moral purity. The moral excellence of God has huge implications for all people, and shines an amazing amount of light on the wonder of the cross and of salvation.

Luke 5:1-11
Matthew 8:20-22,8:27-29
Job 34:10
Habakkuk 1:13
Malachi 3:2
Hebrews 10:19-23
Isaiah 6:1-8
Revelation 6:15-17

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • What does it mean that God's holiness can be called His Moral Excellence?
  • What was Isaiah's first impression when he saw God?
  • Why does God get angry at little sins?
  • Why does the holiness of God make sense of the cross?
  • How does it make the cross and the benefits of the cross so glorious?
  • How can we boldly approach a throne that Isaiah feared?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

July 5, 2015

The Holiness of God: Part 1

The Holiness of God is such an important doctrine and reality to understand. It will help us all appreciate God's specialness and majesty as well as how wonderful it is that He has provided a way for mere creatures to come to Him and be adopted by Him.

Exodus 19:10-24,15:11,3:2-6,20:18-21,33:17-23
Psalm 50,104:1
1 Samuel 2:2
Hosea 11:9
Revelation 15:4
Judges 13:22

    From this it already appears that it is not correct to think of holiness primarily as a moral or religious quality, as is generally done. Its fundamental idea is that of a position or relationship existing between God and some person or thing.

    It is this holiness of God which Otto, in his important work on Das Heilige,... includes such ideas as "absolute unapproachability" and "absolute overpoweringness" or "aweful majesty". It awakens in a man a sense of absolute nothingness, a "creature-consciousness" or "creature-feeling" leading to absolute self-abasement.

    ...the response to it: "Mere awe, mere need of shelter from the 'tremendum', has here been elevated to the feeling that man in his 'profaneness' is not worthy to stand in the presence of the Holy One, and that his entire personal unworthiness might defile even holiness itself." Louis Berkhof Systematic Theology
Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • Why is it so important to understand God's Holiness?
  • What significance is the fact that the basic idea of holiness is to separate?
  • Why is God's holiness also understood as God's specialness and His aboveness?
  • How did God teach these things to Moses and the people of Israel at the burning bush, at Mt. Sinai and when Moses saw God pass by?
  • What are the implications of all of this for us?
  • What will it be like to see God for the believer?
  • For the unbeliever?
  • For you?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA



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805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454