In 2 Corinthians 10 the Apostle Paul rebukes false prophets.
Paul Sereda
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
In 2 Corinthians 10 the Apostle Paul rebukes false prophets.
Paul Sereda
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
As we study Mark's description of the cross we realize that for centuries the Holy God, for our own safety, said "Stay Back"... now, through the cross, He says "Come Near"!
Sermon discussion topics for parents to use with their children:
- How many ways did God say "Stay Back" in the Old Testament?
- Why did He say this?
- What was the significance of the curtain in the temple?
- What is the significance that the curtain was torn in two on the day Jesus was crucified?
- Why is God able to say "Come Near" now?
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
In 2 Corinthians 9 we will be looking at different reasons why people in the church give. Paul is not ashamed to talk about giving... he provides two full chapters on it. We will look at the gospel and how it affects our giving. By the way, you might want to come tonight to see how your giving meets God's test. God does have something to say about not just giving but why and how we give.
David Ruhl
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
Mark tells us that Jesus revealed so much about the character of God by His concern for others during the very hours of His suffering and death.
Sermon discussion topics for parents to use with their children:
- What examples does the Bible give of Jesus' concern for others while He was dying?
- Do we tend to be like this?
- Why not?
- hat do His actions tell us about the character of God?
- Why should this encourage us to come to Him?
- Why should we not delay even though the dying thief came at His final hours of life?
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
We are pleased to announce that Buzzsprout has been selected to host our future audio files. Buzzsprout was originally developed to help churches get their audio content online.
Currently the Buzzsprout player will be embedded directly in the sermon or Bible Study post. The player provides some extra tools for sharing the episode via social media (Facebook or Twitter) and for downloading the audio file to your computer or device.
The player should work the same on desktop computers, tablets, and phones.
Some recent sermons and Bible Studies have been converted to the Buzzsprout player. Older files will be migrated over as monthly upload quota restrictions allow. (If there is a particular past unavailable file that you need access to, please contact us using the Website Feedback option on the Contacts page.)
We are still investigating how to include our media files as podcasts on iTunes or other podcast sites.
Update: See this announcement for breaking news about podcasting, iTunes, and Google Play.
In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul encourages the Corinthians to complete in the fellowship of ministering to the saints in Jerusalem. What does this look like? What are the motivations? Does Paul lay a burden upon the Corinthians as they continue to turn their ship around? What does our Lord Jesus say about this? What a great treasure of application we have in this text concerning this fellowship!
Chris Bowser
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
As we focus on the crucifixion as described by Mark, Jesus was utterly abandoned by everyone on the cross, including His Father... so we will never be!
Sermon discussion topics for parents to use with their children:
- What was it like for Jesus before He came to earth?
- Who were all the groups or individuals who abandoned or rejected Jesus?
- Why was He utterly abandoned?
- What are the implications of this for us?
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
Paul had to tell the Corinthians some hard things in his first letter. In his second, he reflects on how it went... did the Corinthians get offended... did their pride get in the way... did they hear and respond??? We gain great insight into how a Christian should respond to the encouragements or even admonishments of others. We will also discuss a very vital aspect about a very vital topic.. what does true repentance look like, and what is the difference between godly sorrow for sin and worldly sorrow for sin, or how to get beyond crocodile tears and on to real change.
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
As we continue in our study of Mark, it is shocking and thrilling to come to the realization: "I am Barabbas"!
Mark 15:1-15,11:1-14:11
Acts 2:36-41
Isaiah 53:7-8
Sermon discussion topics for parents to use with their children:
- How did Jesus suffer during this scene?
- What impact does that have on you?
- Why can we say "I am Barabbas!"?
- How does his experience highlight our experience of Christ's love and sacrifice?
- How can I nurture joy, awe and thankfulness everyday based on my Barabbas like experience of Christ?
- How should this affect how I serve the cause of Christ in the world?
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
The Son of God condemned to death... an innocent man executed... and how this should deeply impact us at multiple levels. Mark exposes this chilling and emotional scene.
Mark 15:1-15
John 18:28-19:6
Matthew 27:19
Acts 7:55-56
Romans 8:31-32
Sermon discussion topics for parents to use with their children:
- Why should we be shocked at a passage like this given Jesus' dignity as the Son of God?
- Why should He be more deeply endeared to us as we meditate on these scenes?
- How should this impact our relationship with God and our view of who we are?
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
Welcome to the Sermon Archive of Crossroads Christian Fellowship. Links to weekly sermons and Bible studies are available. Listed below are some prominent series; clicking the series link will open all related posts. Also listed are keyword labels associated with each posting and a sorted list of the speakers.
We encourage you to listen to our audio presentations. Also your comments on the sermon material are welcomed. Note that you must open the individual posting by clicking on the posting title header to enable the comment form displayed below the sermon information.
We have completed the transition of our media library for all postings from 2015 to the present. This new hosting service will greatly increase the player functionality along with adding tools for social media sharing of the file. All recordings older than 2015 in our library will still operate using the previous pop-out Flash player. Note that most current browsers will prompt you to specifically allow Flash functions to operate.Click on the Resources\Sermons or Resources\Bible Studies option in the menu above to reset the posting or return to the main listing. If you have narrowed the display parameters, then you can reset the listing with the Show all posts link at the top of the posting area.
Posting headings will first contain the series name, if applicable, followed by the individual presentation title. The labels list will usually contain the series name, presentation type, speaker, and several keywords from the presentation.