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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

August 31, 2014

Hebrews: The True, God-Prepared Sacrifice

It was a scary thing to approach God in the Old Testament. In fact only one person could do it only once a year... the high priest. But New Testament believers are urged in Hebrews to approach God full of boldness and confidence. How is this possible? We will study the wonderful privilege Christ has provided for us that gives us unlimited and assured access to God anytime... as well as a glorious entrance into heaven!

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Hebrews 10:1-25

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

2 Peter: Keeping Safe

Peter is so concerned about the influence of false teachers upon the people of God. They are still about today as in every generation. How can we discern them and guard against their slick and deceptive ways?

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2 Peter 2

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • Why are false teachers so dangerous?
  • What are some of the things that seem to mark them out in every generation?
  • How can we good at discerning them so that we are not deceived?
  • What do they appeal to in us?
  • What does this passage teach us about God and His activity and attitude in all of this?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

August 24, 2014

2 Peter: It's True... I Saw It

Peter was willing to be executed for Christ and the gospel. How can a man be so convinced that the gospel is true? Are you and I ready to die courageously and confidently? Let's examine Peter's confidence, and stir up our own.

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Matthew 17:1-9,4:4,5:17-18,22:29
2 Peter 1:12-21
John 21:18-19,1:14-15,10:35
2 Timothy 3:14-17

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • How come Peter was so convinced of the truth of the gospel that he was willing to be executed?
  • Why is an eyewitness so important in court?
  • Why is the Bible a unique book?
  • What was Jesus' view of the Bible?
  • How can we stir ourselves up?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

August 17, 2014

Hebrews: A Great High Priest and the New Covenant

The writer of the book of Hebrews is so excited in chapter 8. He can hardly contain himself because we Christians are so blessed. He opens up in wonderful detail that we have 1.) A Great High Priest and 2.) We are in the New Covenant. Here we will be reminded again of how blessed we really are and thrilled to study how good God has been to us.

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Hebrews 8

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

2 Peter: Faith's Add-ons -- Warnings and Encouragements

Peter wants us to add to our faith.. virtue, etc. Why is this so important? And what impact will this have on our assurance and our entrance into heaven. These are the issues we take up in this message.

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James 2:14-26
2 Peter 1:1-11
John 15:1-2
1 John 2:9-11
1 Peter 1:2
Ephesians 1:3-6
2 Corinthians 4:6
Acts 16:14-15
Romans 8:30
1 Corinthians 3:15

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • Why is Peter so concerned that we add these virtues to our faith?
  • What is the result if we do not add them?
  • What is the result if we do?
  • How does this make our calling and election sure to us?
  • How does this effect our entrance into the Kingdom?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

August 10, 2014

Hebrews: The Superiority of Jesus’ Priesthood

A carpenter from Nazareth has become the God appointed High Priest through whom everyone must come to God!! That sounded ludicrous to Jewish ears (and still does). The writer to the Hebrews explains how this has been God's plan all along and proves it with the Bible. Then, in an amazing way, he shows us the wonderful implications for believers to have Jesus as our forever High Priest. Learn in a deeper way what a wonderful thing it is to have Jesus as your High Priest representing you to the Father. It will revolutionize your life.

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Hebrews 7:20-28

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

2 Peter: The God Appointed Add-ons

Some Christians feel that it is enough just to get saved and get one's ticket to heaven. God strongly disagrees and says so through the Apostle Peter. God wants us to add-on to our faith seven qualities according to this passage. These qualities give us a unique picture of what God wants us to become.

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2 Peter 1:1-11
Acts 17:11
Hebrews 5:12-14
Galatians 5:23
James 3:2
Philippians 2:14-15
2 Timothy 4:7
1 Corinthians 13:13

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • Why does God want to do more than just get us out of foreclosure?
  • What are the qualities God wants us to add-on?
  • Discuss what each of these mean and how they would work out in our individual lives.
  • What has God said in this passage to help us not to become overwhelmed by this list?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA

August 3, 2014

2 Peter: The Profound Impact of Knowing God

Following the exposition of 1 Peter we are moving right into 2 Peter. What would motivate a man like Peter to introduce himself as a slave of Jesus Christ. How could a person so deeply give up all rights and privileges to offer himself and all he is to Jesus? This illustrates the profound impact knowing God has upon a person... the theme explored in this message.

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2 Peter 1:1-4
1 Corinthians 7:22
1 Peter 2:16
Ephesians 4:20-24

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:
  • What type of knowing did Peter refer to when he talked about knowing God?
  • How does a river boat captain and a family relationship illustrate this?
  • How did Peter illustrate the profound impact knowing God should have in the first few words of this letter?
  • What are some of the great and precious promises of God?
  • How have these promises impacted you?
  • How can we live out a desire to know God practically in our life?

Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA



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805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454