Celebrating the birth of a displaced refugee peasant as God is both strange and marvelous.
Isaiah 9:6-7,11:1-5
Matthew 1:18-2:18
Luke 1:11-20,1:26-38,2:1-20
Hebrews 1:1-4
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
Celebrating the birth of a displaced refugee peasant as God is both strange and marvelous.
Isaiah 9:6-7,11:1-5
Matthew 1:18-2:18
Luke 1:11-20,1:26-38,2:1-20
Hebrews 1:1-4
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
As we continue to look at the irrepressible wonder and praise caused by the incarnate Christ, we see that God's Son is special to Him... He is called the Son of His love. That being so, the rescue mission He sent Him on is amazing!
Colossians 1:9-23,2:9
Deuteronomy 21:15-17
Psalm 89:27
Romans 14:5-6
Sermon discussion topics for parents to use with their children:
- Why does God the Father love His Son?
- How does He honor His Son?
- What does it mean that Jesus is the firstborn over creation and the new creation?
- Why can Jesus coming to earth be referred to as a rescue mission?
- What significance does this have for you and me personally?
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
When you look upon the incarnate Christ it should cause irrepressible wonder and praise. This series during Advent is a study of the greatness of Jesus before He came to earth as we focus on passages that speak of the glory and majesty of Christ in His preexistent state. Its goal is to cause us to adore Him for becoming flesh!
John 1:1-18,3:31-32,14:6
Genesis 1
Psalm 33:6
Proverbs 8:27-31
1 John 1:1-3
Revelation 19:12-13
Sermon discussion topics for parents to use with their children:
- What is behind the concept of the Word?
- What is the significance of in the beginning... was with... was God?
- What was the Word's role in creation?
- What is the significance of the phrase the Word became flesh?
- What are the implications of this for the whole world?
- For us?
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA
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We have completed the transition of our media library for all postings from 2015 to the present. This new hosting service will greatly increase the player functionality along with adding tools for social media sharing of the file. All recordings older than 2015 in our library will still operate using the previous pop-out Flash player. Note that most current browsers will prompt you to specifically allow Flash functions to operate.Click on the Resources\Sermons or Resources\Bible Studies option in the menu above to reset the posting or return to the main listing. If you have narrowed the display parameters, then you can reset the listing with the Show all posts link at the top of the posting area.
Posting headings will first contain the series name, if applicable, followed by the individual presentation title. The labels list will usually contain the series name, presentation type, speaker, and several keywords from the presentation.