The present worldview today is so small, meaningless and hopeless. A world with no God, no eternity, no accountability...only things, pleasure, here and now. How this contrasts with God's huge plan of salvation...planned before the world began and brought about in Jesus. What a call for faith and hope!!! Do you have lots of faith and genuine excitement (hope) about how God's plan is working out?
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Acts 2:14-39,3:14-15,3:18-21,4:8-10,4:19-20,4:33,5:29-32
1 Peter 1:10-21,1:2
Matthew 13:17,28:18
Romans 8:31-32
Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children: - What is God's big plan?
- How much did He plan before the world was created?
- Did the plan include His Son?
- Why did His Son agree?
- Why is the resurrection important?
- Why should we believe it happened if we did not witness it?
- Who is Jesus now Lord of?
- Do they know it?
- How should we respond to all of this according to Peter?
Pastor Todd Jaussen
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
Greenville, PA